BIOPREPARATION F2+ F3+ For Pets and Humans
BIOPREPARATION F2+ General Nutritional Support & F3+ Advanced Nutritional Support
BIOPREPARATION is an exclusive blend of micro-algae that hold extraordinary nutritional properties. BIOPREPARATION was intensively researched for over 13 years on more than 20 species of animals. The research, led by Dr. Michael Kiriac, demonstrates that BIOPREPARATION helps restore the “inner genius” of the endocrine (hormonal) system, which regulates all aspects of health. This is more than just a spirulina supplement for dogs and cats. It is a blend of 4 microalgae strains, chosen from thousands, that make this supplement far superior to ordinary synthesized vitamin and isolated mineral supplements.
It is Nature’s vitamin chest in a capsule, literally containing over 5,000 different nutrients :
• Vitamins A, B complex with B12, C, D, E, & K
• Essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6 and 9)
• All essential minerals and 92 trace elements
• Complete proteins with over 20 amino acids
• Antioxidant hundreds of times more powerful than vitamin E or C
• Thousands of enzymes – nature’s powerful digestive and metabolic agents • 100% natural. No pesticides or preservatives.
• BIOPREPARATION is a true revolution in supplementation.
• BIOPREPARATION has improved the lives of many animals when a diagnosis could not be made. More than just a superfood.
• BIOPREPARATION is a breakthrough in holistic pet nutrition.
The 4 microalgae in BioPreperation were selected amongst thousands for their unique properties, quality, and compatibility. They are hydroponically grown and cultured to their highest potential of completeness, balance and synergy.
Haematococcus Pluvialis Believed to be by far the world’s richest known source of astaxanthin, a unique natural carotenoid pigment and an extremely powerful biological antioxidant. A growing body of scientific literature shows that natural astaxanthin surpasses many of the antioxidant benefits of vitamin C and vitamin E. Astaxanthin holds superior antioxidant activity and has an ability to support and maintain natural inflammatory response. Additionally, scientific research has proven that astaxanthin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and the central nervous system better than many other antioxidants.
Spirulina - 2 selected species A blue green micro-alga, invisible to the naked eye, grown in warm and brackish water. It is approximately 60-70% complete highly digestible protein. Its protein elements contain 18 out of 22 amino acids, including all the 8 essential amino acids. Spirulina is a rich source of vitamins such as A, B, E, H, thousands of enzymes and several essential and non-essential fatty acids. Spirulina is rich in B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, and enzymes. It is also one of the best food sources of GLA – an essential fatty acid necessary for tissue growth and regeneration. Due to its soft cell wall all of Spirulina’s nutrients are easily assimilated.
Dunaliella Salina A single celled, salt-water micro-algae that under appropriate growth conditions accumulates massive amounts of beta-carotene. Dunaliella contains other carotenoids such as alpha carotene and xanthophylls like zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and lutein. It also accumulates very high concentrations of glycerol. High concentrations of beta-carotene and glycerol offer Dunaliella protection from the saline conditions and osmotic pressure of the environment where it lives. Natural mixed carotenoids found in Dunaliella salina are among nature’s best antioxidants.
Proteins High-quality complete protein (between 45% to 55% protein) with 98% net assimilation, including all the essential amino acids.
Vitamins Contains all known vitamins – A, B complex, C, D, E and K. Includes vitamin B12, which is rarely found in plants, being very beneficial for vegans and vegetarians.
Minerals Over 92 natural minerals and trace elements like calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iridium, iron, copper, selenium, fluorine & more.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) The essential fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, including rare Gammalinolenic acid (GLA), and non essential Omega-9, and many more fatty acids. EFAs are the “good” fats essential to human health and critical for healthy brain function.
Enzymes Thousands of enzymes critical for good health. Enzymes facilitate breakdown of foods and increase the reproduction of lactobacilli – the bacteria that digests our food.
Nucleic acids DNA & RNA, the building blocks of living organisms, needed for effective tissue growth and repair, as well as healthy cell function.
Mixed carotenoids Carotenoids play an important role in human health by acting as powerful antioxidants, protecting the cells of the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Carotenoids found in BIOPREPARATION are: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, astaxanthin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, quercitin, cryptoxanthin, and many more.
Chlorophyll with extraordinary calcium spirulan Chlorophyl is to plants what blood is to humans – essential to metabolic functions such as growth and respiration. Chlorophyll being comprised of magnesium, plays an important role in calcium digestion and absorption.
F2+ is suggested for general nutritional support of the immune system and as a replacement for many commercially available supplements with the usual synthetic vitamins and isolated minerals. It is also recommended for increased vitality, strength and endurance for general activity.
BioPreparation is ONE supplement that replaces these 8 supplements.
- multi-vitamins
- omega oils
- enzymes
- joint support
- antioxidants
- anti-inflammatories
- immune booster
- detoxifiers
BENEFITS of both formulas
- Boost immune system and prevent diseases
- Provide potent, energizing nutrition
- Help achieve supple skin and shiny coat
- Reduce arthritis pain and inflammation
- Increase mobility and flexibility
- Improve digestion and elimination
- Increase stamina and overall energy
- Balance mood & promote calmer emotions
- Prevent and reduce tumours
- Increase life expectancy
- Induce a bigger litter with higher survival rates
Perhaps the most amazing benefit of the microalgae in BioPreparation is their ability to provide direct cellular nutrition. This means they can feed the cells of your dog or cat without the need of digestion; they just cross the digestive tract to feed cells directly! This means they can also cross the blood-brain barrier to feed the hypothalamus as well as the blood-retinal barrier to keep your pets eyes healthy!
ADAPTATION PERIOD It is recommended to give BIOPREPARATION in small amounts at first, and then to gradually increase over several days/weeks in order to allow the body to adapt to the increased nutritional energy and health improvements. Start with 1/4 capsule daily for the first 3 days, then adjust gradually up to the recommended amount of capsules for your dog or cats weight. Formula F3+ is suitable for chronic and acute conditions. Best results are obtained when taken 3 to 6 times daily, one portion at a time.
Fitness, Performance, Skin and Coat Ideal for active, athletic and/or show animals to maintain peak performance and to protect the body from stress. Formula F3+ is recommended. Give as per NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE above, and additionally, give 1/4 to 1 capsules just prior to and after exercise, race or shows.
PROGRAM DURATION We recommend a daily regimen of BIOPREPARATION for life. Degenerative conditions that took decades to develop may require a optimal intake program duration of 3-12 months. A maintenance amount can be given afterwards.* The therapeutic dosage should be followed 3-6 months. Degenerative conditions that took decades to develop may require a program duration of 6-24 months. The maintenance dosage can be followed afterwards.
4-20lb: 1 capsule per day
21-40lbs: 1 capsule 2 times per day
41-80: 1 capsule 3 times per day
81lb and more: 1 capsule 4 times per day
OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS AND TIPS We want your pet to get the most from your BioPreparation investment. Here are some tips to help you along:
• First things first, regular, consistent, daily intake of BIOPREPARATION is a critical factor for success.
• Start feeding the algae first thing in the morning. Optimum results are obtained when a smaller amount is given more frequently throughout the day.
• BIOPREPARATION can be given with or without food.
• Make certain pets have access to fresh, clean water. Many veterinarians recommend adding water to canned or raw food to increase hydration. Proper hydration is key to their health, especially in hot climates or summer months.
• When using BIOPREPARATION, it is possible to reduce or stop the intake of other supplements. Consult your health professional for specifics.
• Any animal can derive benefits from BIOPREPARATION added to their daily diet.
• We recommend a mostly “wet” food diet: raw, species-appropriate, properly home-prepared, and/or quality canned foods – for dogs and cats. These options are closer to whole food than a highlyprocessed kibble-only diet. If you must feed dry kibble to your dog or cat, offer some fresh options at least a few times a week: sardines (in water), unseasoned raw or lightly-cooked eggs, meat and/or broth, unflavored yogurt (small amounts), etc.
• Keep your animal trim and healthy by not letting them eat too fast! Eating too much too fast can result in everything from vomiting to bloat to obesity and more and can, in some cases, be a sign of underlying health issues.
• Use stainless steel, glass, ceramic, or lead-free pottery bowls for your animals’ food and water – all are safer choices than plastic.
• Keep pets moving with access to fresh air and sunshine to help them maintain a healthy weight. If your pets are couch potatoes, slowly introduce more walks and/ or interactive play to keep them more active and moving as often as feasible.
Store the algae at room temperature or refrigerated, but do not freeze.
Quality Assurance: BioNutrition ensures that strict standards for safety, quality and purity are adhered to throughout the various processes and controls. BioPreparation is ecologically harvested, pesticide and herbicide free. Certificate of Analysis are done for each production.
Biosuperfood F2K available here
General Nutritional support 180 capsules